Zero´s Secret Stash📦 (Inventory)

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In short

Ever been in this situation where those gonks at the bank won't accept your hard earned drug money? Well dont you worry, old zero got your back! Just place your cash in zero´s stash and say good bye to that financial trash.

Zeros Secret Stash allows your players to setup stash crates arround the map and store their money and items. Once a stash is locked and hidden it can only be found by those who know its exact location. Overtime the stash not only produces a healthy to unhealthy amount of dust but also any stashed money will increase its value and generate interest.


  • Look at a free spot on the map and type !stash
  • Click on "New" and select what stash crate you want.
  • On the bottom you can also select what style / skin your crate should have. (If enabled in the config)
  • Click "Confirm" and your stash should appear.
  • Now you can deposit any items or money you want to stash away.
  • Optionaly you can install upgrades for the stash. (If enabled in the config)
  • Click on the lock button on the top right corner to seal crate.
  • The stash will now disapear inside the map.
  • Come back later to harvest the interest money.

Stash Crates

  • Stash crate come in diffrent sizes and shapes. Some only have room for money, other only allow items.
  • Once a stash is locked and hidden any stored money will generate interest.
  • Interest is calculated using real time hours.
  • Some crates allow for upgrades to be installed.

Stash Upgrades

  • Currently there are 3 types of upgrades, Self Destruct, Camouflage and Warning System.
  • The Self Destruct upgrade causes the stash to destroy itself if the hacking timer runs out.
  • The Camouflage upgrade is one time use and causes the stash to stay hidden against the scanner mine.
  • The Warn System upgrade will inform the owner of the stash crate if someone trys to crack it.

Scanner Mine

  • The Scanner mine can be bought from the F4 Menu.
  • On use it reveals any stash which is in close proximity.

  • Easy to use
  • Stash config to add more crates
  • 8 diffrent skins for each crate size
  • Item module system to add support for more advanced items
  • Fully Customizable
  • Custom models
  • Custom materials

Supported MoneyTypes:

  • Money
  • Pointshop01 Points
  • Pointshop02 StandardPoints
  • Pointshop02 PremiumPoints
  • WOS - SkillPoints

Supported Items:

Config / Dev Files:


  1. Important: Add zcLib to your servers collection
  2. Add the contentpack to your servers collection
  3. Extract the "zeros_secretstash" folder into your server's addons folder
  4. Edit the main config file to your liking at zeros_secretstash\lua\sh_zss_main_config.lua
  5. Restart your server

Why does it tell me i need some libary?

Because it requieres some of the zcLib lua libary utility functions >

Where is the config?


What Gamemodes does this addon support?

Its designed for DarkRP but it also has the needed Money functions for Basewars and Nutscript, its just not tested on those gamemodes yet.

Where can i find the Content Pack?

Will you provide support?

I provide support at any time in gmodstore or on my discord.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 3 reviews

Very good!
The product is very nice and the ticket response time was very fast and friendly.
By Dylan1273 -
(version 1.1.2)
I've never seen any kind of crate system like this. If you don't like players having huge inventories to hide their items, this script is perfect for you!
This product was received for free
By Goran -
(version 1.1.0)
It's perfect for servers that have illegal jobs. You can burry your money, items and hide from everybody. It's realy develops rp. Also its well codded.
This product was received for free
By Higamato -
(version 1.0.7)
Cheese Man
Great Inventory Alternative
For servers who are more reserved with giving their player's a lot of Inventory slots or any at all, this is a great addition so people can't just hide things away I'm their bank with no consequences
By Cheese Man -
(version 1.0.5)
Juste parfait !
Il me manquait seulement ça pour rendre mon serveur amusant :)
By Rhalfex -
(Never downloaded)
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