Zero´s Trashman 🗑️ (Trash Script) [Re:Coded]

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Colonel Cheesepuffs Purchased posted

I'm hjaving the same issue

✪ laugH Purchased posted

hey why are my textures so blurry

Chamstick Purchased posted

Just a heads up, on version 1.5.9 and up, the manhole effect won't render on rp_costalcity_v3c

Renders fine on version 1.5.8.

Zerochain Author posted

Matidbb You mean some small inventory pickup, ye i can add that in the next update.

Matidbb posted

Hi, is this possible to add absorb function to recycled blocks? Something similar to oilrush

Chamstick Purchased posted

Hi, sorry for the ticket. I submitted it and fixed the issue before you replied, and locked it on accident before being able to explain.

Ghosttt Purchased posted
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Zerochain Perfect if that's the case then you've just gotten yourself a sale! The same goes for your Grow OP, if that can have bricks inventory & levelling it'd buy it right away also big appreciation for the quick response :)

Zerochain Author posted

Ghosttt Well i can write it down for the next update.

Ghosttt Purchased posted
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Just curious is there any chance of having Brick's Inventory & Levelling integrated to this please? If this is implemented then I'd 100% purchase it within a blink of an eye!

‡[NWA]‡ Bedcorn Purchased posted

Nothing more satisfying then all of Zero's addons getting updated at the same time

Rena posted

question is there a way i can change the binds for the trash gun?

Zerochain Author posted

Duneblaze23 Well the last update delayed the catch function for trashcan entities, so trashcan props spawned via permaprops can be added too. Other then entities with trashcan models i dont think so. The trash itself needs to be spawned via the script itself.

Duneblaze1996 Purchased posted
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Quick question, is there any chance of the entities in this addon being Permaprops compatible, or having a means of making the entities permanent? I know some servers, (including mine) would like to have a designated area on the map where they can place the trash stuff, think of a garbage plant or something of that nature.

BenJ Purchased posted

Just won this from the Calendar, cant wait to use it :)

Zerochain Author posted

Craig Davidson No currently it only supports Xenin Inventory and Itemstore

Craig Davidson Purchased posted

Does this work with essentials by bricks

Benni Purchased posted
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( Thank you in this situation i was upsad because it didnt work bun now it works and ist a super addon)

Colonel Cheesepuffs Purchased posted

Where do you go to edit the job?

Zerochain Author posted

@762NATO Open a ticket

762NATO Purchased posted

Is there a way to rebind the drop trash key?

Zerochain Author posted

@[DDYN]Creator Sometimes Paypal Transactions can be delayed, if you wanna know more you can open a ticket.

Creator Purchased posted

I purchased this item in it does not show up as purchase

Zerochain Author posted

@SugarTheCat 2nd[CaT]

I havent seen any impact really, none of the interactions which are possible would be hard on the server. Only thing i can think of for client really would be the stencil if he has a bad pc but other then that most things are pretty low on performance like particle effects or HudPaint.

SugarTheCat 2nd Purchased posted

I have a question regarding the addon:

  • How much performance does it take? (Serverside & Clientside) as most of your scripts even when optimized as can be can still take quite a bit of performance, and if this didn't really add that much serverside & clientside performance there would be no reason to not add it.
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