Zero´s Vendingmachines 🥫 (Shop Script) [Re:Coded]

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In short

Zeros Vending machines gives you a fast and easy way to Sell and Present Items to your Players.


  • Simple spawn the machine from the SpawnMenu and place it somewhere on the Map.


  • If you already have a Vending machine setup and just want to duplicate it, then simply use the Duplicator Toolgun.

Mirroring Vendingmachines:

  • If you want that every vendingmachine on the server has the same products and design then just look at the template machine and type zvm_vendingmachine_mirror in the console.

Adding Products:

  1. If you are an Admin (specified here zvm.config.AdminRanks) then there will be an Edit Button on the Top Right corner of the machine.
  2. In config menu simply press the "Edit Products" Button.
  3. Now the Vendingmachine allows to new Items to be added/edited.
  4. Collide a the Entity you want to add with the machine. (zvm.config.Vendingmachine.AllowedItems / BannedItems)
  5. The Item should now appear in the list and you can press "E" on it to select it.
  6. The Buttons "Restrictions" , "Appearance" and "Change Price" should now be enabled.
  7. The Button "Restrictions" (Only for Public Vendingmachines) lets you define which Rank / Job Groups are allowed to buy the item. (zvm.config.Vendingmachine)
  8. The Button "Appearance" lets change the Item Name and Background Color.
  9. The Vending machine can hold up to 12 Items.
  10. After you finished adding all the Items press the "Apply" Button.

Visual Customization:

  1. In the config menu press the "Customization" Button
  2. The Customization Menu allows you to change the Skin, Color and Name of the Vending machine.
  3. Change it to your taste and press "Apply"

Changing Money Type:

  • Admins can change the Moneytype of a Public Vendingmachine via the Machine Customization Interface.
  • Currently the Vendingmachine supports:
  • Money (DarkRP, Basewars, Nutscript)
  • Pointshop 1 Points
  • Pointshop 2 Points
  • Pointshop 2 PremiumPoints


  1. Type !savezvm in the chat and press enter
  2. Now every Vending machine with its Products and Customization is saved on the map.

Item/Skin Requests:

  • Some entities have custom data which need to be predefined in zvm_itemdata_sv.lua
  • The Vendingmachine has currently 7 designs which should cover most RP Scenarios.
  • Future Updates will add more Entity Classes with custom data and Skins but you can allways open a Ticket and request them their.

Private Vendingmachines:

  • Private Vendingmachines can be bought via the F4 Menu
  • Items in this Machine get used up so the Player needs to Refill the machine.
  • The Owner of the Vendingmachine has access to the Config and can withdraw the earned money via the Config Button "Payout"

Entity Compatibility:

  • Spawnable Kevlar Armor -
  • Arctic's Slightly Nicer Armor and Medkits -
  • VCMod -


  • If you are an Admin (specified here zvm.config.AdminRanks) then there will be an Edit Button on the Top Right corner of the machine.
  • In config menu simply press the "Edit Products" Button.
  • Look at a Public Vendingmachine and type in the chat !zvm_easyskins_add_SKINNAME
  • Or Look at a Public Vendingmachine and type in the console zvm_easyskins_add SKINNAME

SH Accessories:

  • If you are an Admin (specified here zvm.config.AdminRanks) then there will be an Edit Button on the Top Right corner of the machine.
  • In config menu simply press the "Edit Products" Button.
  • Look at a Public Vendingmachine and type in the chat !zvm_shaccessories_add_ITEMID
  • Examble: !zvm_shaccessories_add_pumpkinhat

Adding Weapons without Physics Model:

  • You can add weapons that dont have a physics model by looking at a public vendingmachine and type these commands.
  • Weapons which get added this way will directly be given to the player who unpacks the package instead of dropping them.
  • Chat: !zvm_customweapons_add_WEAPONCLASS
  • Console: zvm_customweapons_add WEAPONCLASS

  • Zeros GrowOP Support
  • Zeros Fruislicer Support
  • Zeros Secret Stash Support
  • Zeros Oilrush Support
  • Zeros Masterchef Support
  • Zeros Methlab2 Support
  • Zeros GoldDigger Support
  • Zeros GenLab Support
  • Zeros GrowOP Support
  • Zeros Pizzamaker Support
  • Zeros Yeastbeast Support
  • Zeros Crackermaker Support
  • Zeros Methlab Support
  • Zeros Pyrocrafter Support

  • Lockpick Feature
  • Immersiv and easy way for players to buy Items
  • Various Vendingmachine Designs with color masks.
  • Public Vendingmachines for Admins which can be saved to the map and have endless supply.
  • Private Vendingmachines for Players which need to be refilled.
  • Itemstore support for Packages
  • DRM Free
  • Fully Customizable
  • Multi Language Support
  • Custom models
  • Custom Animations
  • Custom materials
  • Optimized system (Level of Detail)

Config / Dev Files:


  1. Important: Add zcLib to your servers collection
  2. Add the contentpack to your servers collection
  3. Extract the "zeros_vendingmachines" folder into your server's addons folder
  4. Edit the main config file to your liking at zeros_vendingmachines\lua\sh_zvm_config.lua
  5. Restart your server

Why are all the vendingmachine styles are white?

That means something in your gmod seems to break / stop a important render function. Reinstalling gmod or removing garrysmod\cache seems to fix this issue.

How can i save the entities on the map?

If you are a admin you can just type !savezvm in chat or use the Admin Settings at Q > Options > Admin Settings

What Gamemodes does this addon support?

Currently it supports DarkRP, Basewars and Nutscript.

Will you provide support?

Yes, I will provide free support all the time if I am available.

What is required for this?

The contentpack.

All things that you need to download to work:

Library :

Any version over 3.0.0 requieres this >

Any version bellow 3.0.0 requieres this >

Handsomematts 2D3D VGUI


Language Translations








Product reviews

4.73 average based on 26 reviews

buggy but nice
It's nice and easy to set up, but very buggy. I think it gets buggy with every new version the last update brang a bug that makes adding the job-restriction in the panel not possible ( you have to do it via data/*/.txt file ) :(
By Hoppl -
(version 3.2.7)
The Humble Potato
Lovely design, but the compatibility could be much better.
The design of the vending machine model gives a cyberpunk vibe, which I like a lot, and the customizable skins are pretty dope, not to mention the menu interface while idle (chef's kiss); there is really no other vending machine plugin that can top this in terms of visual, imo. But I'm still a little disappointed that it doesn't have better compatibility with some of the other addons; a lot of sweps and entities just couldn't be added to the machine. Overall, this is still a very solid addon!
By The Humble Potato -
(version 3.2.7)
Not Working
I Installed like they saided on this page but it is not working, and the Support doesnt answer either, bad addon sad
By Apollon-Gaming-Server -
(version 3.2.5)
Best shop addon for RP | Bestes Shop Addon fürs Rollenspiel
ENG: This is simply the best addon for Roleplay, because its has this points: - It look beautiful - Easy to Customize (Ingame and Config) - Zero Problems | I do really recommend this for RP, but also for other Gamemodes, where you need to rebuy or choose some weapons / Ammunitions! ____________________________________ GER: Dies ist einfach das beste Shop Addon fürs Rollenspiel, da es diese Punkte trifft: - Es ist sehr schön - Es ist einfach anzupassen (ingame und Config) - Null Probleme | Ich empfehle dies sehr für RP, aber auch für Gamemodes, wo man seine Waffen neu kaufen oder seine Waffen / Munition auswählen muss!
By DeaNo -
(version 3.2.7)
An addon that changes the way to buy items
As usual, at ZeroChain we can never be disappointed! A very clean addon with a very original way of integrating objects into the machine! Very User Friendly! I really recommend it if you are tired of simple Characters that make you appear objects in a way that is not at all logical xD
By Rayzox57 -
(version 3.2.1)
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