The Commander
User biography
I am The Commander.
Buy my game on Steam!
Do not add me and ask me to do anything with DarkRP, I hate the gamemode and won't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
Rules for submitting tickets
- Please do NOT leave private messages - if you own the script then SUBMIT A TICKET.
- If you are having an issue with the script and it goes beyond the basic support of suggesting fixes, BE PREPARED to supply information related to your server such as TCAdmin (username and password). I will need a way to get into your server, access your files, and restart the server if needed. FTP works as well if you don't have TCAdmin, but you'll also have to find a way for me to restart the server if need-be. If you refuse this, then all I can do is suggest fixes.
- I use the ticket system for 90% of my work; just because I have a Discord server; doesn't mean you can bypass this.
- Do NOT open a ticket saying that you're getting errors -- without actually supplying the errors. Telling me you have errors without showing them tells me nothing, and it's just going to lead to me asking….. you guessed it, "What are the errors?".
- Don't jump on a ticket DEMANDING help "or else". I promise you, I won't help. I only help people who are willing to listen and provide what I need. While I do appreciate your business, I don't put up with demanding people who think they are "owed" the world.
Rules for leaving a proper negative review
- You should not be leaving a review if you have an issue and HAVE NOT SUBMITTED A SUPPORT TICKET. Reviews like this are invalid. I get plenty of tickets where the issues end up being mis-configuration or something else setup improperly on the server.
- You should not be leaving a review if you did submit a ticket, and only a few hours have passed. We also need to sleep, and time-zones differ. Your afternoon could be our midnight. You are also not our only customer, we have to ensure everyone gets a response and their items handled properly. You're not dealing with a company, you're dealing with one developer.
- You should not be writing reviews based on anything but the overall script, performance, look / feel, easiness of use, and the quality of support (if used). I have had people leave reviews that they ran into issues with the script because it ended up being their first time making a server and wasn't sure how to do things. This is not my fault -- when you are perfectly capable of contacting me and getting support.
- You should not be writing reviews about an issue unless you are SURE it's with the script. I get many people complain about something, and it ends up being a user issue. (Mis-configuation, trying to customize the script without Lua knowledge, etc. If you run into an issue, simply contact me).
- Reviews should be based on overall current features. I leave a DETAILED list of what my scripts come with. Leaving a review complaining about the lack of the feature will result in me having your review removed.
I may or may not have copy and pasted this from Richards profile.

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Coal Collector


Centre of attention


Stop pushing me!

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