User biography


Hey! If you want to reach out for me, please read this below.

  • If you are the owner and buyer of a script, you can submit a support ticket and I will reply as fast as possible. You can't get help if you are just a developer/friend of the buyer.
  • If you are unable to pay via Stripe then I accept Steam Wallet Codes or PayPal (Friends & Family)
  • If you have a question about a script just leave a comment on the script itself.
  • If you have a question about anything else then send me a private message here on the site.
  • The best way to reach out for me is via my Discord server. Click on the banner below to join.

🤷‍♂️ About Me

I'm 28 years old and I have been active within the Garry's Mod community since 2008 and been developing GLua for 12 years so far. I graduated at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology in Denmark for a bachelor degree in Business and IT in 2023.

Since CoderHire was founded in March 2013 I have been a moderator and script curator. I resigned in 2023.

You can follow me on Twitter and view script showcases on my YouTube

Cash money flow
Coal Collector
King of sales
Discord booster
Retired curator
Make a wish
Baby's first post
Shooting star
Centre of attention
Beta tester
Addon submission
Stop pushing me!
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