User biography
My username is Falkio.
French translator for all of your scripts
I am french and I can translate your scripts from English to french or from French to English !
Scripts that I translated:
1.💻 🅱️illy's Logs Remastered (bLogs) [Logging system]
2.📇 🅱️illy's Job Whitelist (bWhitelist) Job Whitelisting System StarWarsRP DarkRP
4.FLAT AWESOME - F4 menu for DarkRP
5.Tasks - Discord, steam group, forum rewards + more!
-PM on GmodStore: Here
If you want to add me on steam: Leave a comment on my profile with the reason! And tell me who you are!


Centre of attention


Coal Collector

Stop pushing me!

Addon submission

Baby's first post

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