User biography

Hello! I'm David, a reactive developer, listening to you. The best ideas to date have always been your suggestions.


  • Langages : MySQL PHP JavaScripts Ajax Lua Glua C# CSS HTML.
  • Network system administration.
  • Technical administration.
  • Creation of custome firewalls.


I would put on OSGmod what I consider not relevant enough on Gmodstore and conversely I would put on Gmodstore what I would consider useful for everyone.

Do I hire coders on Originahl Scripts ? No. I don't have this time, it's a huge job to ensure security by controlling all the addons of others. It is already a huge job to maintain the site, create addons and provide updates. I recommend to those who canvass me to sell on Gmodstore.

Why am I back on Gmodstore?

I must admit that this was not part of the original plan. I wanted to thank Gmodstore in general. One thing leading to another and with a lot of curiosity, I was able to acquire skills that I now use in my professional life. Without it, everything would have been complicated. That is why I wanted to express my gratitude. I am now a proud and happy father of his little boy. By thanking Gmodstore privately I got the opportunity to come back. I still don't know what is best for me and my little family. I consider that I'm not really back when I haven't published an addon.

Cash money flow
Centre of attention
Addon submission
Baby's first post
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