try purchase a title but it just doesn't purchase it but it closes the menu's
Not sure, but when installing this addon it creates errors : )
Never had this issue before, did the dev stop working on it?
check discord
Aws0me only once I think
Owain - Retired, Read Profile you talking to me?
Ben I think you posted "Hi all, weird announcement I know, but a university society ran by a friend of mine is running a fundraiser to support the current events happening in Turkey/Syria." twice
Bro defo gets no bitches with that toxicity
"Effected Files"
gravity almost didn't want to get rid of it :(
gravity yes I commented about that over 2 years ago if you read 3 messages down
You're that bitch that kept printing hi 💀💀💀
line 8
Maybe I missed something? Make a ticket instead?
Bruh probably missed it, open a ticket??
bruh why do you print hi to the server console every time you spawn the npc........................
Oh aight, on gmodstore it says that the addon only supports english
Already have one although you could always check through it xx
Would you welcome an germn translation
It’s great addon!
Buying this addon gives your server +5 clout
+1 glws
BenCrap-Head Yeah sorry for saying "shit". I just think it doesn't look good.
suggestion: animate my pp